Welcome at the internet meeting point for the family

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Hello Last revised on March 4th 2012
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On this page you will find:

(You can get there by jumping or biking )
and elsewhere on this site: Further:

INTRODUCTION - For our English-speaking relatives

At this family site you will find e-mail addresses, birthdays and hot news and also a summary of the latest issues of the family paper "De Appel". Hopefully these will provide a pointer to any items that may be of interest and it may encourage you to ask for more specific information either through Mies, from the editor of De Appel or from the authors themselves. 

The editors of De Appel


The future of the Appelsites

Since March 2000 there is an internetsite available to the Gieles-Groenewegen family as an alternative means of mutual communication. Experience with this site so far has not always been satisfying: registration of the number of visitors has shown that this number is far less than expected. Often, messages placed on the site, were even not noticed at all by many family members. Obviously, a site is not the most suitable medium to spread messages among a group of people.

In this context I am planning to discontinue the Latest News section of the Applesites, which anyhow has already suffered great delay due to my recent illness.
Also the summaries of the last issues of De Appel have been replaced by a simple list of their contents and this will probably be continued until the last number next year.

Things are slightly different as far as the documentation of family data is concerned. A site, as a central point where basic family data are stored and kept updated and which is easily accessible for all the family, forms a valuable asset for everyone concerned. That is why I do intent to continue updating and publication of family data in the near future.
The success of this aim is critically dependant on the readiness of family members to eventually pass information about modifications in their data.

The Photo Gallery has been one of the most successful parts of the Applesites. Also there the interest is moderate. Several family members have published their own photo gallery and have made it accessible via the Applesites. For everyone, who has not yet mastered this art, the Applesite will remain available for some time to come.

On the other end the circulation of e-mail messages has proven to be very effective in bringing new messages to the attention of many people. Obviously the own mailbox is much easier accessed and consulted than a site, which has to be looked up and actively approached.
For these reasons I have been pleading earlier for the issue of a Newsletter, a more extended e-mail, which is sent to all the members of a group. Such a Letter can in the future replace not only the paper Appel but also the News section in the Applesites. Some consequences of this move could be:

  • The speed of urgent messages is guaranteed: only the telephone is faster.
  • The cost of De Appel is nullified. E-mail is free.
  • No paper photographs will have to be made, sent or glued on paper.
  • The publication date of a Newsletter can be simply adapted to the need.
  • There will be a central editor, who gathers and edits news, but of course everyone can also choose for sending his messages to a selected group of receivers.
  • Those who run their own site can show their family pictures there and place a link in the Newsletter.
  • If someone does not want to receive the Newsletter he or she can easily unsubscribe. In every Newsletter a link should be placed to be used for that purpose.
Waalre, November 23rd, 2005
Webmaster Jan

* Preparations for the Apple party           - Editor                   2
* 50 years is half a century                 - Corrie                   4
* My / Our history                           - Ton Versteegen           5
* Kooij happenings                           - Mariël                   6
* Animal Farm                                - Sandra                   8
* INTERLUDE: Family parties 1989 and 1993    - Editor                   9
* A day from the life of                     - Monique Versteegen      12
* Without satellite it does not work         - Joost                   13
* Public Health System, submitted by         - Joost                   14
* Contributions from                         - Crista en Cathelijn     15 
* The Verdenius family                       - Carin                   16
* Brief messages:                                                      17
  - Service Report, submitted by             - Paul Koot               18
  - Sixty years of marriage, a song by       - Lenne                   18
  - Dreamhouse in Portugal                   - Winy                    19
  - From six to twelve                       - Wim                     19
  - Journalistic Bloopers                    - From: Onze Taal         20

* Merry Christmas - Happy New Year           - Editor                     1
* The future of the Applesites               - Jan                        2
* The family of Mies and Lou
  - How quickly my life has changed          - Mies Soet-Gieles           4
  - Like a fairy tale                        - Miriam Sullivan- Soet      4
* INTERLUDE: Family party in 1981            - Editor                     5
* The familie of Mies and Lou (Cont'd)  
  - An overview of my families world         - Sylvia Compton-Soet        8
  - A big, warm hello                        - Miriam Soet-Doroghy        9
  - About me and my dance group              - Tiana Soet                11
* From six to twelve                         - Wim Schalke               11
* Journalistic Bloopers                      - From: Onze Taal           12

  * Memorial Everard and Cor Gieles-Groenewegen       - Editor            2 
  * De family of Ton and Thea
    - De Appel ten years old                          - Thea              3
    - Working for the EEC                             - Ton G.            3
    - A busy doctors family                           - Arthur            4
    - Dogs on moorland                                - Ton G             5
    - Strange boys those Liwwarders                   - Stephanie         6
    - Talking fences                                  - Stephanie         7
    - After 35 years: Grandpa Seedlet                 - Thea              8
  * From six to twelve                                - Wim               8
  * De family of Lenne and Hen
    - Leaving a nice place                            - Lenne             9
    - A landmark, a new start                         - Hen Straver      10 
    - School and family                               - Guido            11
    - Being right and surrender                       - Maaike Breuer    12
    - Living together in two houses                   - Tijs Breuer      13
  * Brief Messages  
    - Learning English, by Gitty van Vliet-Schuyt     - Editor           16
    - Visit to Europe by Miriam and children          - Miriam           17
    - The Okeanos in Heusden, newspaper-report about  - Koos & Annie     18 
    - Journalistic Bloopers                           - From: Onze Taal  18


On page 2 of "De Appel" issue 24 the editor writes:
Bring new life to our Photo Gallery - a Call for Pictures

In the "About this Site" section of the Applesite we explain why we want to retain an Applesite in addition to the printed version. One of the reasons relates to the use of family photos as a means of communication. There is no need to doubt the effectiveness of this. If you witness how enthusiastically we show each other our latest photos at a birthday then it is obvious how powerful photos are as a tool for communicating. We now have sufficient space on the site to continue, after the birthday get togethers, the conversation stimulated by the photos.
According to webmaster Jan this is facilitated by three developments:

  1. The spread of the digital camera. These are expensive to buy but the 'running costs' are low.
  2. The spread of the scanner. Ordinary (printed) photos can be digitised and displayed and exchanged using a computer.
  3. The increase in shops that not only produce printed copies of photos from a negatives film but also (for little extra cost) provide a CD ROM with all photos on that film.
The production of digital photos is, therefore, within everyone's reach. They can easily be sent via email as an attachment and are suitable for a web site.
What are the opportunities? The existing Photo Gallery is a start but requires more submissions, more updating, more variation, more vitality.
The emphasis in the Appel is on the text with the occasional photo. That is chat with photos. The Photo Gallery places the stress much more on the images. That is photos with chat. Each family only has a turn to write in De Appel once every two years. The Photo Gallery is always 'open' and can reflect current events more quickly.
In every family events happen that are suitable for photography: births, weddings, celebrations, birthdays, bike rides, days out, holidays etc. Basically too many to specify. If we give such events a title, put a few illustrative photos together and write a couple of lines of explanation then we quickly develop a mini-series that will be appreciated by others and can find its place on our sites.
We therefore appeal to all creative spirits to produce mini-series of their family life with captions included. They may send the various parts to the Webmaster and he will ensure that they are appropriately placed on the web site.

The grandchildren
of Gerrie and Jan
December 2001
Mies and Lou at
Peter and Holley's place
Christmas 2001
John and Gemma's
Spring 2002
Judith and Dick
on holiday in Cuba
September 2001
Visit of Maaike & Co
to Gemma and John
July 2002
Piet's birthday
November 2002
Mies and Lou
50-years married
June 2003
Maarten Gielis
Abstract photo's
August 2003
Photo Update from
John, Gemma and David
December 2003
Two years on ...
by David Daly
September 2003
Boxing Day
in Canada
December 2003
Mountaineering with
Joost Versteegen
September 2002
Visit to Canada
Henny and Ad
August 2002
Funeral Lou Soet
in Canada
April 2004
Visit of Joop
and Ida Groenewegen
May 2004


This site is intended as the internet counterpart of the family paper De Appel.
The most important concerns are:

  1. For our English speaking relatives De Appel is hardly accessable. A bilingual website, including a summary of each issue of De Appel, will hopefully alleviate this language problem.
  2. The sites contain lists and tables with information about all family members. This information, which is subject to frequent changes, should be kept up-to-date at a central point and is accessible at all times for those interested.
  3. Disseminating messages via the Internet is much faster than publishing them in a periodical.
  4. Publishing family photo's on a website is easier and less expensive than copying and distributing prints.

For comments, corrections, contributions or questions please contact:

The Editors or: The Webmaster
